Everything You Need To Know About Your Chakras & How To Balance Your Energy

This Centuries-Old Practice Aligns Your Body, Mind And Soul

Energy healing and chakra work is a sacred and ancient practice that can be traced throughout history, particularly in Indian, African, and Middle Eastern cultures. Our chakras represent the 7 energy centers that are experienced in our bodies. However, you may hear healers across the world referencing other chakras outside of our bodies that connect us to the human and metaphysical realm (though I won't be discussing those today). The energy of the 7 Chakras in our bodies allows us to stay grounded and connected to our body, mind, and soul. Working with their energy is a way to bring intention and awareness to our behavior and immediate surroundings, thus cultivating a better human experience for ourselves. It's essential to continuously develop our consciousness of all that we do, think, feel, and consume in order to maintain our energetic balance.

An overactive or blocked chakra can be caused by negative thoughts and actions that lessen our ability to connect with ourselves. Luckily, there are many ways to keep our chakras aligned when we consider practices sourced across the ancient, modern, and Western world. Movement, meditation, and mindfulness are perhaps the most familiar practices. However, affirmations, perhaps the simplest of them all, are a powerful tool to develop our self-awareness and consciousness.

Words are an incredible source of power that is often underestimated. The repetition of affirmations, mantras, or phrases, carries the power to transform our reality through the re-programming of our subconscious mind. Through the projection of positive energy and intentions, we are able to shift our vibrations, center our energy, and ascend in a physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy space.


Mulhadhara: The Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is located at the base of our spines and connects us the the physical realm. It is symbolized by the color red and stimulates our connection to Mother Earth. The Root Chakra centers on our survival instincts and is closely connected to our eating habits and relationship with finances. When the Mulhadhara is balanced, we are reliable, accepting and comfortable within our circumstances, and grounded.

Symptoms of a blocked Root Chakra: Fear. Anxiousness. The feeling of not belonging anywhere. Instability. Lack of trust and faith in the Universe. Feeling ungrounded. Troubles connecting to the physical plane. Feeling lost or stuck. Lack of energy. Worry regarding external societal pressures. Financial and material problems. Pains in the lower body (lower spine, calves, feet). Lack of focus and direction. Troubles with consumption.

Symptoms of an overactive Root Chakra: Aggression and greed. Overly practical. Unable to let go and resistant to change. Materialism and over-accumulation of possessions. Fighting and defensiveness. A quick temper. Wrongful judgment of others. Jealousy. Overconsumption. Impatience. Micromanaging the Universe. Traumas centered on abandonment or loss. Overly controlled and rigid with routine.

Affirmations to balance the Root Chakra: 'I love my body'. 'I am grateful'. 'My body is mine'. 'I have a right to be here'. 'I was incarnated for a reason'. 'I trust life'. 'I am in control'. 'I am centred'. 'I am grounded'. 'I can take care of myself'. 'I am courageous'. 'I am supported'. 'I am safe and secure'. 'The universe will guide me to where I am meant to be'. 'I have the power to change my life. 'What is meant for me will always find me'.

Exercises to balance the Root Chakra: Meditation (imagine your legs are tree trunks and your toes are roots connecting to and locking in with the Earth). Yoga and stretches. Walking barefoot. Being outside and amongst natural surroundings. Cleaning your personal and immediate surroundings/spaces (literally and energetically). Be conscious of your posture- shoulders back, spine straight. Eating root vegetables, food that is rich in protein, red and spicy. Practicing patience and gratitude. Journaling subjects: Your physical body. Your health. Your sense of safety. Where you most feel at home.


Swadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is located between the pubic bone and below the navel. It is connected to our pleasure and movements. Trade and exchanges, whether material or energetic, are also deeply connected to this Chakra. The Sacral Chakra is symbolized by the color orange and connects us to the expression of our emotions and how that manifests in the physical body. When the Swadhisthana is balanced, we are confident, and flexible and honor our natural creativity and expressions.

Symptoms of a blocked Sacral Chakra: Fear or anxiety concerning intimacy. Not honoring your innate desires. Suppressing deep emotional expression. Low creativity and lack of inspiration. Holding yourself back. Boredom. Fear of change. Inauthentically non-sexual or abstinent by force. Imbalances in the energy and material exchanges in your life. Guilt. Overly detached (physically and emotionally). Pains in the thighs and problems with the sexual organs. Infertility and irregular menstruation.

Symptoms of an overactive Sacral Chakra: Addictive behavior. Inability to share. Jealousy. Uninhibited desire and a fixation on sex. Manipulation of the self or others’ feelings. Hyper-emotional. Guilt. Self-indulgence. Problems with attachment (co-dependency). Over-projection of fantasies. Equating self-esteem to external forces. Unforgiving. Back pain

Affirmations to balance the Sacral Chakra: 'I am balanced'. 'I am alive'. 'I am connected'. 'I respect my body'. 'I am allowed to enjoy and explore my sexuality'. 'I deserve a beautiful life'. 'I am radiant'. 'I am confident'. 'I embrace pleasure, abundantly'. 'I am a creative being'. 'I honor myself'. 'My happiness is sourced from with. Everything else supports the light that I can already find within myself.

Exercises to balance the Sacral Chakra: Drinking water. Practicing self-discipline and listening to your natural desires (without external influences). Self-care practices to honor your bodi’s needs. Practicing joy and happiness as this is your birthright. Journaling to help refrain from getting lost in emotions. Listening to music. Give in to change. Nurture yourself. Embrace your sensuality and sexuality, and keep your desires balanced. Healing sexual traumas. Deeper emotional awareness. Eating nuts and orange foods. Journaling subjects: Your emotions, your desires, your sexuality.


Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra is located below the chest in our stomach. It is symbolized by the color yellow and represents our inner strengths, self-assertiveness, and self-esteem. The Solar Plexus Chakra is connected to our presence and the bridge between the self and the world. It is where we connect our physical energy to our emotional energy and respond to our external world. This chakra is the center of our strength, dignity, and willpower. When the Manipura is balanced, we are confident in our independence, confident, and able to take accountability for our lives and our emotions.

Symptoms of a blocked Solar Plexus Chakra: Overly passive. Aimless. Poor digestion. Victim complex. Feeling powerless and a lack of control. Sensitivity to criticism and opposition. Insecurity. Low self-esteem. Resistance to following your gut feeling. Low energy and lack of motivation. Low perception of the self. Lacking willpower and confidence. People pleasing. Unwilling to step out of my comfort zone. Feelings of inferiority. Unable to set boundaries.

Symptoms of an overactive Solar Plexus Chakra: Dominance. Stubborn. Arrogant. Controlling. Misuse and abuse of power. Heartburn. Over-assertion of the self. Over-rebelliousness. Total disregard for others. Overly critical of others. Over-concern for what others are doing with their lives. Digestive problems. Stress. Feelings of superiority. Overworking. Poor relationship towards authority.

Affirmations to balance the Solar Plexus Chakra: 'I value myself'. 'I am powerful'. 'I am a beam of light'. 'I am strong'. 'I choose health and healing for my happiness'. 'I am at peace with myself and the universe'. 'I have a purpose', 'I will transfer the energy sourced from my pain into light'. 'I am worthy'. 'I push myself to fulfill my full potential'.

Exercises to balance the Solar Plexus Chakra: Exercise. Creative releases e.g. art, music, dancing, journaling. Create to-do lists, labeling the things you have to do and the things you choose to do. Use lists to encourage self-discipline rather than to shame and control the self. Create purpose in everything, e.g.; 'I'm doing my laundry, because being and feeling clean is good for me and makes me happy.' Be confident and assertive in your decision-making. Eating yellow foods, rice, oats, and lentils. Journaling subjects: Your purpose in life. What makes you feel powerful? How can you push yourself more? Your dreams. What makes you happy? What makes you feel worthy?


Anahata: The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is the middle chakra, connecting the first three Chakras (our connection to the physical, earth realm) and the final three Chakras (our connection to the mental and spiritual planes). It is the center of ourselves, located in the middle of our chest, and is represented by the color green. The Heart Chakra is where we feel and express love, gratitude, and unity. When the Anahata is balanced, we are freed from the desires of our ego and feel warm, open, healthily spontaneous, and accepting of all existing beings.

Symptoms of a blocked Heart Chakra: Uncaring. Grief. Loneliness. Lack of compassion. No sense of connection to the divine. Health problems centering around the heart and lungs. Respiratory problems. Wanting to isolate and feeling anti-social. Poor boundaries allow others to take advantage of your giving nature. Self-doubt. An imbalance in the fluctuation of emotions. Jealousy and suspicion. Difficulty maintaining platonic and romantic relationships.

Symptoms of an overactive Heart Chakra: Inefficient setting of personal boundaries. Co-dependency. Loving too much (to the detriment of the self). Unhealthy relationships. Being overly critical of others. An imbalance in time and energy spent on the self in comparison to time spent with others. Being overly demanding and needy.

Affirmations to balance the Heart Chakra: 'I accept myself as I am, completely'. 'I am passionate'. 'I am empathetic'. 'The universe supports me'. 'I am all I need'. 'I will forgive myself and others'. 'I am healing emotionally'. 'I am worthy of love'. 'I allow love to guide my actions'. 'I am eternally loved'.

Exercises to balance the Heart Chakra: Be forgiving towards yourself and accept that it's okay and human to make mistakes. Be forgiving towards others and embrace the deep feeling of peace that comes along with forgiveness (when it is felt, expressed, and accepted by more than just words). Be generous. Eat green foods, increase your vitamin C intake, and drink/eat warming food. Give yourself a massage. Engage in long and lasting love rather than temporary flings and infatuations. Release defensive tendencies. Journaling subjects: Your first love. How do you love others? What do you desire from a relationship? How can you love yourself more? How can you work to be more forgiving?


Vishuddha: The Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is located at the base of our throats and is symbolized by the color blue. It represents our voice and our ability to communicate, share our truth, and hear others. The throat chakra is all about the transformation of thought and energy, which can come in different forms. It embodies our ability to convey words, images, and messages to others. When the Vishuddha is balanced, we are wise and expressive in all avenues (intellectually, logically, emotionally). We are able to communicate with intention and purpose and honor our truth.

Symptoms of a blocked Throat Chakra: Defensiveness. Lies. Being misunderstood and secretive. Poor self-expression. Stuttering. Shyness. Not speaking up. Having a weak voice. Hearing and throat health problems. Fears that standing firmly in your truth will lead to rejection and lack of acceptance from others. Solely aligning with reason and logic. Trouble finding the right word.

Symptoms of an overactive Throat Chakra: Gossiping. Unnecessary loudness. Excessive talking. Poor listening. Being opinionated and overly critical. Deceptiveness. Manipulation. Lies. Difficulties listening to others. Poor decision-making. Speaking too quickly. Health problems centered around the throat, Thyroid, gums, teeth, jaw, ears, neck, and shoulders.

Affirmations to balance the Throat Chakra: 'I speak my truth'. 'I am free in my expression'. 'I stand up for myself and others when necessary'. 'I own my power'. 'I speak with joy, praise, and positivity in my heart'. 'I think before I speak'. 'I am honest'. 'I am trusting'. 'I am guided by my deepest purpose'. 'I can say no when necessary'.

Exercises to balance the Throat Chakra: Writing down your negative thoughts and discarding/burning them. Focus more on being a better listener. Be clear and concise in your communication. Own your truth and refrain from intentionally spreading misinformation. Be conscious of your tone of voice. Eat blue foods, drink herbal teas, and consume anything else that is easy to swallow. Use the words 'yes' and 'no' effectively and authentically. Be conscious that words carry powerful frequencies that create our reality. Journaling subjects: Your creative outlets. Things that you don't yet feel ready to say to someone. Things that you can no longer say to someone. What are the easiest ways for you to communicate your feelings to others? What's your preferred way of self-expression?


Ajna: The Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is located between our brows, creating a triangle dimension between this region and the center of our foreheads. It is represented by the color indigo and symbolizes our perception and awareness through the six senses (the sixth being our intuition). It is deeply connected to our psychic, visualization, and reflective abilities. When the Ajna is balanced, we are inspired, creative, able to practice manifestation, and open to occult and new, earthly understandings.

Symptoms of a blocked Third Eye Chakra: Poor judgment. Failure to see beyond what's physical and tangible. Bad focus and imagination. Poor concentration. Overly reliant on logic and intellect. Indecision. Unable to hear and follow intuition. Overthinking. Excessive Doubt. Feeling helpless. Fixated on negative outcomes. Pessimism. Inability to think beyond the present moment. Bad memory. Unable to recall dreams.

Symptoms of an overactive Third Eye Chakra: Nightmares. Obsession. Paranoia. Illusion. Confusion. Misuse of intuition (believing everything means something). Inability to self-reflect. Bad judgment calls. Headaches and migraines. Poor vision. Fantasizing and becoming overly fixated on positive outcomes. Lack of concentration. Lacking realism in thinking, planning, and goal setting.

Affirmations to balance the Third Eye Chakra: 'I am guided by my wisdom'. 'I follow my intuition', 'I live in the present'. 'I am focused on the outcomes that I can control'. 'I am divinely and protected'. 'I look towards the bigger picture'. 'I create my own reality'. 'My vision inspires others'. 'There is more to what I think and believe'. 'I am unattached to all that I think I know'. 'I am fulfilling my fullest potential'.

Exercises to balance the Third Eye Chakra: Meditation. Mindfulness to practice staying in the present moment. Releasing judgments. Time away from technology. Practice hearing your intuition. Self-reflection. Developing your inner wisdom. Eating purple foods, berries, and food that is rich in Omega 3. Journaling subjects: Record your dreams in writing to remember them and identify patterns. What do you daydream about? What do you want out of life? How strong are your psychic abilities? What creates a block to these abilities (that you've noticed and felt within)? What are your dreams and goals in life?


Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is the Seventh and final Chakra, located at the top of our heads. It is represented by the color violet or white. It is here that we connect with our highest self and the universe. The Crown Chakra is our consciousness and is closely associated with the sense of renewal, regeneration, and awakening. When the Sahasrarar is balanced, we are able to experience spiritual awakenings and notice shifts in energetic frequencies. Experiencing profound realizations, feeling blessed, and witnessing the universe working in all of its glory are other signs of an open seventh Chakra.

Symptoms of a blocked Crown Chakra: Weak faith. Ungrounded. Indecisive. Confusion and melancholic thoughts. Dizziness. Decline in mental wellbeing. Apathy. Headaches and migraines. Inability to connect to the universe. Inability to see the bigger picture. Inability to feel safe in the presence of destiny. Insomnia. Rigid thoughts on religion and spirituality. Over-attachment to beliefs. Feeding and fuelling separation. Pains or fogginess to the right eye.

Symptoms of an overactive Crown Chakra: Judgment towards other people’s beliefs. Disregard for spirituality. Sense of grandiosity. A sense of meaninglessness. Aligning with societal hierarchies rather than unity and equality. Lacking an ability to question things. A dissociation from your humanness. Placing sole faith in the universe and making no self efforts. Ungrounded. Seeking sympathy. Hypersensitivity.

Affirmations to balance the Crown Chakra: 'I am peace'. 'I won't limit my beliefs'. 'I am connected to the universe'. 'I am open to greatness'. 'I accept myself completely'. 'I follow the guidance of my soul'. 'My potential is infinite'. 'I am focused'. 'I am infinite'. 'I am complete'. 'I am serene'. 'I am divine'. 'I see the light in all beings'.

Exercises to balance the Crown Chakra: Meditation. Committing yourself to spiritual practices as often as possible. Read and educate yourself on unfamiliar subjects. Follow your intuition and gut feelings. Practice seeing everyone as equals. Observe stillness in nature. Fast or detox in a healthy way, or limit sugar, caffeine, and alcohol intake. Sound healing and cleansing. Journaling subjects: What are your spiritual or religious beliefs? What makes you unique? What makes you feel connected?


Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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