July 19 To July 26, 2021 Astrology Forecast — Leo Season & The Full Moon In Aquarius

It’s The Final Week Of Cancer Season Before The Sun Returns Home To Leo On July 22

There are four planets currently retrograde: Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn in Aquarius, Jupiter in Pisces, and Neptune in Pisces. Alongside this, asteroid Chiron is retrograding through Aries, pushing us to take conscious steps toward the healing of our self-worth. We're called during this time to express ourselves through our higher selves rather than our egos. The underlying theme laced throughout the week is standing strong, owning our inner authority, and trusting that we will find our way on the karmic paths that we lead. Saturn retrograding through Aquarius will trine the North Node in Gemini; this aspect will strengthen throughout the week. Own your truth, regardless of what the collective believes and you'll find that others unify around you and support you along your destined journey.

July 19, 2021

As the waxing Moon transits Scorpio, it'll form a square with the Venus and Mars conjunction in Leo. Though the conjunction is separating (weakening in energy), its square with the Moon will re-invigorate it, adding an extra layer of hyper-sensitivity and emotional reactivity to the mix. The conjunction as a lone aspect is energizing, uplifting, passionate, and active. However, the square to the Moon represses this energy, casting a shadow of doubt over it and pushing us to react impulsively and negatively. When the Moon squares Venus and Mars, compromise will become something of difficulty. The fixed nature of Leo and Scorpio combined will influence us to become more rigid in our perspectives. Any overthinking and overanalyzing of other people's words and motives could be an extension of subconscious fears and insecurities that won't serve us well in the long run.

When navigating through this energy, be cautious of when you are escalating drama in the realm of romance, friendship, and self-expression through overreactions. Re-centre yourself to bring awareness to when you are allowing your thoughts to spiral. Reading too far between the lines or being overly skeptical of other's advances could cause lasting rifts and trust issues in your relationships. Are you viewing/distorting the present through a focused lens of the past? Are you isolating yourself from others out of fear/pain? Are you letting go rather than allowing things to settle and intensify within your psyche?

July 20, 2021

The energy of Tuesday's Sun-Pluto opposition will give us a prelude to Friday's full Moon as its energy will linger until then. The Sun in Cancer opposing Pluto (retrograde) in Capricorn will highlight the duality within us and the power dynamics within our relationships. These power dynamics aren't always literal; if you have subconsciously placed someone else above you, this feeling may intensify leading up to the full Moon. Similarly, if you place yourself in a position of importance over others, this could increase, causing you to come across as dominant, controlling, and overly authoritative. The Sun in Cancer is tender and nurturing whilst Pluto in Capricorn is powerful, forceful, and reconstructive. Together, the thirst for recognition and the adoration of attention and status could be misconstrued as love.

Be less upfront and confrontational than you think you need to be. Be aware that dynamics within the home and family could shift under this energy. Family members (or household members) could over-step boundaries or forcibly change rules. As an adult, others dominating you may push you back into the space of feeling like a child, which could bring old wounds to the surface. Be conscious of when you're projecting your feelings onto others or overreacting from a source of pain and trauma.

July 21, 2021

On Wednesday, the transiting Moon in Sagittarius will trine Mars and later Venus in Leo. The Moon is a fast-moving celestial body, meaning its aspect to Mars and Venus will happen as the day progresses and its energy will only be present throughout the day. The Moon trine Mars will create a window of opportunity to take successful leaps towards your goals (think action rather than setting intentions). This is progressive energy (with the double cardinal energy of Leo and Sagittarius) paired with the Lunar energy (inspiration) and Mars (dedication). This aspect is a reminder that we are capable of doing anything we can dream of. Taking a leap of faith is encouraged, but taking risks should be done with a grounded and level head. The Moon will also make a passing square with Neptune (Rx) in Pisces, acting as a reminder that we can often get carried away in fantasies over everything working out in our favor.

Later in the day as the Moon transits to 29° Sagittarius, it will trine Venus at 29° Leo. The 29th degree is significant as it symbolizes destructive forces at work. Though the word destructive insinuates otherwise, the force of this degree isn't always negative. The optimism of the Moon in Sagittarius could cast a light on your relationships that can destroy the walls that you've put up due to past heartbreak. Foreseeing serious outcomes to relationships, making new commitments, and building trust in others could be on the cards today— just try to avoid making impulsive commitments to others. Later this day, Venus will shift into Virgo changing the dynamics of our relationships: the category is, Acts of Service.

July 22, 2021

The Sun will shift into Leo on July 22nd marking the initiation of Leo Season. Leo season is a vibrant and exciting time as the Sun returns to his home position, a place where he feels comfortable and natural in his radiant light. As a collective, we may all take on the Solarian energy of Leo this season. Feeling more confident in ourselves, playful, excited, and creative, will all be a manifestation of this cosmic shift— just in time for the summer! The archetype Leo is associated with being noticed by others and connecting to our inner child. This, however, will be intensified as the Sun slowly separates from its opposition with Pluto in Capricorn (Rx). As a continuation of Tuesday's opposition, The Sun in Leo opposite Pluto could trigger stubbornness and intense willpower.

Do everything in moderation to avoid the development of obsessions or an unhealthy reliance on things that feed the ego (attention, materialism, external validation). Be cautious of when you are being overly protective of yourself; get to the bottom of why you may be feeling attacked or victimized. Question any desires to hide aspects of yourself— there could be room here for shadow work concerning self-esteem and acceptance.

July 23, 2021

The July Full Moon (Buck Moon) will come into alignment on Friday (or early Saturday morning) at 1° Aquarius and let me tell you, the astrological forecast for this day is intense! The Full Moon will be accompanied by a Moon-Pluto conjunction (within 6°) and an opposition between Jupiter in Pisces (retrograde) and Venus in Virgo.

Full Moons naturally symbolize endings and a time when we tend to experience heightened emotions. However, Pluto's conjunction with the Full Moon will add a layer of intensity to the astrological ordeal. Pluto is a symbol of transformation and releasing lower vibrational, shadow behaviours. Things coming to a natural close during this time could feel serious and harsh. Think of this as a re-direction from the universe where we're nudged to handle things with greater maturity. Feeling a sense of loss during this time as we close old chapters could serve as a reminder that we as humans are continuously upgrading. Venus' opposition with Jupiter will exaggerate any disconnect between the body and mind/spirit. Venus in Virgo symbolizes the desire to serve and protect the physical self through critical analysis. Jupiter in Pisces on the other hand represents our other-worldly interests and ambitions. Together, these conflicting energies will amplify the ways that we choose to assert ourselves and share our opinions in social situations.

Follow the calls to release the old, and step into the new, and have faith in your decision-making. Remember that you are serving the self by following the callings of your destiny. Feel confident in the finality of your decision-making, but remember that this does not place you in a position above others who you are stepping away from. Commend yourself for being mature without perceiving yourself to be in a position of seniority over others. Try to avoid over-excessively sharing your opinion. Scrambling to gain control of things that are inevitably out of your hands could be a manifestation of fear and a lack of trust in the universe.

July 24 & 25, 2021

The intense energy following the Full Moon in Aquarius will continue into the weekend. However, Mercury's trine with Neptune will offer a glimmer of positive energy to cut through the shadows. Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune (Rx) in Pisces is the aspect of the composer and creative. This is deeply intuitive and imaginative energy that will heighten our sensitive responses to external influences. Though hyper-sensitivity is often considered a negative trait, the trine aspect exudes harmonizing energy that is easy to work with. Being able to relate to others by reflecting on the darkness that we've experienced in our own lives could be what brings us closer to people. This will soothe the delivery of truth and heighten our empathy in contrast to the harsher energy which facilitates an increase in feeling self-important. Embrace the energy of this trine through creative expression. Music and sound therapy will work to soothe the intensity of Friday's opposition. Seek time in solitude to gather inspiration.

This energy works in polarising effect to Mercury's opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. This energy will continue into Sunday, bringing an intensity to the way that we communicate and express ourselves (intellectually). Be conscious that people may manipulate conversations to get others to favor their viewpoints and perspectives. Any defensive behavior could be a manifestation of others having inner wounds relating to trust and the validity of their experiences. Lean into the energy of the Neptune-Mercurial trine as this will increase your empathetic understanding of others. Navigating difficult conversations with people who seem to dominate and steer things in their desired direction should be done in a way that diffuses tensions. Neptune and Mercurial energy is deeply intuitive and allows us to tap into higher frequencies to express ourselves and support others. In Cancer, a Lunar-ruled sign, our mental world merges with the emotional, giving us a very personal and subjective perspective.

Find the right balance between being passive without allowing others to overstep boundaries or take advantage of you. Be understanding and non-judgemental and see the pain beyond the words and attitudes of others. Remember that there is a time and place to share your thoughts and opinions. Be gentle but refrain from taking other people's problems on as your own. Tap into higher frequencies (through music, through writing, through meditation) and follow the guidance that is brought to you. Share your feelings with others through creative expression.


Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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