3 Energetic Signs You're Giving Off That Are Blocking Your Growth & Manifestations

Matching your energy with your intentions is the key to progressing through life and working with the universe to get what you want. However, while you may think you're open and ready for your manifestations to actualize, you may be giving off a totally different vibe on an energetic level that signals to the universe you aren't ready for what it has in store for you. Here are 3 signs that you're energetically giving off that are blocking your growth.

You're Closed Off To New Experiences

Having an unchanging perception of who you are can hinder your growth if the universe is nudging you towards evolving and adapting on mental, physical, and spiritual levels. Becoming attached to your identity, beliefs, and desires leaves little room for expansion and will close you off to new experiences and knowledge that could elevate your life. You weren't designed to be the same version of yourself forever. As a human, you're meant to grow outside of your comfort zone, shed your layers over time, and constantly evolve to become a renewed version of yourself. Stop turning down opportunities out of fear of what others will think, or because they don't immediately look like something you want, and allow the universe to surprise you with something better than your expectations.

Look out for this, particularly if you're a stubborn Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius with a strong sense of self.

You're Not Trusting The Universe

So, you asked the universe for authentic and meaningful connections, only for your friendship circle to call apart. You said you wanted a job that pays well and gives you the freedom to explore and create until your heart is content, only to get fired the next day. Now you're frustrated and angry at life for not unfolding the way you want it to, even though everything is happening for you. The universe is always working in your highest favor despite its methods not always being immediately clear. Learn to deepen your trust in moments of discomfort and uncertainty, as this is when it counts the most.

If you aren't making way for the very things you're manifesting, the universe will do it for you — and be very dramatic in doing so. Would you have taken the leap to go after your dream job if you hadn't been fired, or would you have continued to stall? How long would you have stayed in those unauthentic friendships with people whom you feel disconnected from if the universe hadn't removed those people from your life? Just because you aren't getting what you want doesn't mean you aren't getting what you need. Keep your eye on the bigger picture.

Rid yourself of doubt and focus on what you believe is aligning for you if you're a Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces.

You Aren't Letting Go

There's no set time that it takes to heal from the past. However, so long as your head and heart are focused on the pain, trauma, and experiences that didn't unfold the way you wanted, everything that comes to you in the present will be clouded by your feelings toward the past. The only way to level up in life and move toward new experiences is to heal and close old chapters completely. If you're still stuck on the past, it's because you haven't been able to see beyond the experience to register why it happened, on a karmic and spiritual level, and what you've learned from it.

Stop seeing the past as an inconvenience and start acknowledging it as the fuel for where you're going. Stop allowing old experiences to interfere with the new. This is a powerful mindset shift that will signal to the universe that you are ready for the next stage of your life and won’t unconsciously sabotage what could be good for you.

Take your time when processing your feelings and difficult experiences if you're an Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn.


Alexandria Lettman

Alexandria is a cosmic consultant, Aries Sun, and the founder of Jupiter Jewel, who encourages the use of Astro-philosophy as a tool for self-exploration and empowerment. Through her enlightening astrological guidance, horoscopes, and forecasts, which have reached millions of people around the world, Alexandria supports the collective through personal evolutions and global transitions.

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